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Chris B.

English Class in Fair Oaks

  • $50 / h
  • Fair Oaks , CA ( 95628 )
Do you need a private English class in Fair Oaks? I'm Chris and can provide you or your child personized lessons either at your home or mine. Please take a look at my credentials and reviews and Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thanks! Chris ... contact me

I have taught the last eleven years in grades 4th through 8th as a certified teacher for the state of California. I’ve instructed Title One, Gate and English Language Learners over my years of teaching. I’ve been taught to use GLAD, which is using pictorials and vocabulary to help students learn. I have tutored students after school and over the summer as a certified teacher. I believe that learning must be fun and when I tutor I create flash cards to drill facts and have students draw and color

American history


elementary (k-6th)

elementary math

elementary science

European history




physical science



SAT math

SAT reading

SAT writing

social studies

