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Moira S.

Moira S.
English Tutor in Chicago

  • $35 / h
  • Chicago , IL ( 60645 )
Hello! Are you looking for an English tutor for yourself or a child? I enjoy helping my students improve their skills and try my very best to guide them towards learning in a customized way that meets there personal goals. Have questions? Please contact me about my service. ... contact me

I received my Masters Degree in Teaching English as a second language in 2011. My real passion is language and I'm looking forward to sharing my love and passion of the English Language with you. I student taught at a Community College while getting my Masters Degree and found teaching to be highly rewarding. I have done some volunteer tutoring, but I'm ready for more challenges. What I may lack in formal experience, I possess in drive, determination, and discipline. I believe that Man's






