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Phil V.

Phil V.
English Tutor in Cincinnati

  • $60 / h
  • Cincinnati , OH ( 45230 )
Hello! My name is Phil and I am a private English tutor from cincinnati OH. I enjoy helping my students improve their skills and try my very best to guide them towards learning in a customized way that meets there personal goals. Have questions? Please contact me about my service. ... contact me

It seems like teaching has always been a part of my life, whether I was helping classmates with assignments at school, practicing my campers' Bar Mitzvah prep with them at camp, or formally tutoring. Education is a high priority for me, and I enjoy helping those who are struggling with theirs to get back on track. I do everything I can to help my students reach that 'aha!' moment, and I feel that I do it well. I have turned C's into A's and chemistry haters into chemistry majors. I'd love the op

ACT English

ACT Math

ACT Reading

ACT Science

algebra 1

algebra 2





organic chemistry

physical science





SAT math

SAT reading

SAT writing
