(2338) Decatur English Tutors
Reading Tutor in saint johns
Reading Tutor in saint johns
Teaching Chinese is my life-long dream. In my mind, the ultimate charm of teaching Mandarin is to introduce China and Chinese language to people from different nations, and of various cultures and language backgrounds. Moreover, to help such people master and use Mandarin is also one of the most im... Read more
English Class in saint johns
English Class in Saint Johns
My desire to teach/tutor stems from my desire to work with children and my love of learning. A quality education is a powerful tool and is often the key that unlocks the door to a brighter and more successful future. My goal is to provide this to all of my students by addressing their unique learni... Read more
English Lessons in park ridge by Susan K.
English Lessons in park ridge by Susan K.
My name is Sue and I am a retired fifth grade school teacher. And I miss working with kids! I have two cats and two dogs (miniature long-haired dachshunds). I love animals and do volunteer work at a local animal shelter. I love teaching math most of all, but I do teach all elementary su... Read more
English Tutoring in park ridge
English Tutoring in park ridge
I've spent a decade teaching in various parts of the world. My teaching degree was completed in Scotland, where I student taught in many schools. I then moved to London, where I taught History and Politics to junior high and high school students. I moved around England, teaching in a variety of s... Read more
English Tutoring in park ridge
English Tutoring in park ridge
I have 20 years' experience teaching Italian at a variety of levels and ages. It is my passion, and I bring much knowledge and experience to my work. Whether you need extra help with a class you are taking, wish to work on conversational skills, or just want to start at the beginning, I am e... Read more
English Tutor in park ridge
English Tutor in Park Ridge
I entered the field of education because of my love of learning and my desire to share my knowledge with others. I stayed in education because of the great satisfaction I get from seeing students succeed academically and interpersonally. I strive to make a difference every day in the way I teach, ... Read more
English Tutoring in park ridge
English Tutoring in park ridge
(A quick clarification of my availability. I live in Forest Park and commute to Northbrook five days a week. I can schedule regular tutoring sessions on weekday afternoons in either location or anywhere roughly in between those two towns. I can only schedule one-off sessions at other times and in ot... Read more
Zoki R. offers ESL Tutoring in park ridge
Zoki R. offers ESL Tutoring in park ridge
I've been teaching for the past eight years; first as first grade teacher, three years as a second grade teacher and then I looped up and have been teaching 3rd grade for the past four years. I have my Masters in Literacy ( certified to be a literacy teacher, reading coach, reading specialist) and currently working on my Learning Behavior Specialist Certificate. I have also taken courses to teach gifted students and enjoy differentiating my lessons for my third graders. I prefer to tutor childr Read more
Kela M. is a Private English Tutor in park ridge
Kela M. is a Private English Tutor in Park Ridge
Hello my name is Kela and I am currently in the Master's program at Mississippi Valley State University. My major is Social Work, but I find myself teaching younger children and tutoring peers. I am also a peer tutor tutoring English. My tutoring methods are using flash cards, gathering practice te... Read more
One on One English Course offered by Jennifer P.
K-3rd Grade Tutor-Helping Students Develop the Fundamental Skills
Hi, my name is Jennifer and I graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I majored in Elementary Education and am a certified teacher. I am currently a 2nd grade teacher in Niles. One of my priorities is to inspire all students to embrace the endless possibilities of learning.... Read more