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Beatles Lyrics


Do you like Beatles music? What's your favorite album or song? At this site, you can find the lyrics (words) to all the Beatles songs! You can find the songs by alphebetical song title or by album.


Your Turn:
Listening to music is a fun way to practice your listening skills. First, listen to one of the Beatles songs on a CD or tape. Then, try to write down the words that you hear. Finally, check your English with the actual lyrics of the song. Now listen to the song again. Can you understand all of the words now?

Disney Song Lyrics


If you're a Disney fan, you'll like this site. It has the lyrics (words) to lots of popular Disney movie songs. The site is easy to use. Just click on the name of the movie, and then click on the name of the song. This site also has some complete Disney movie scripts:


Your Turn:
Use these lyrics for a listening activity. Rent a Disney movie, and find your favorite song (or two or three). Listen to the song, and write down the lyrics that you hear. Then check your lyrics with the lyrics on the site.



Songs are a really fun way to learn English! At this site, you can find the lyrics (words) for over 100,000 songs! It's a search engine, so you can search for the song you want by artist or by song title. But the best thing about GetLyrical is that you can search by lyric. So if you know a few of the words, but you can't remember the name of the song, or the artist, just type in the words you know, and the computer will find the song for you!


Your Turn:
Use GetLyrical to find the words to your favorite song. Print out a copy, and use the song for vocabulary study. Then listen to the song, and write the words you hear. Teachers: This is a great resource if you want to use a song for a listening exercise. Just print out a copy, and whiteout some of the keywords.

This Day in Rock 'n Roll History


Do you like rock & roll music? It's been popular for about 50 years, and it keeps changing and getting more exciting. This site will tell you what happened on this day in rock & roll history. For example, on this day 35 years ago, the Beatles started filming their second movie, "Help!" This site will change everyday, so you can check back often.


Your Turn:
Read what happened on this day. Do you see any names that you don't know about? If you find something that sounds interesting, use the Internet to find out more information. Just go to a search engine like Yahoo or HotBot and enter a keyword or a key phrase. When you find more information, write a short report about what you found out.





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